Pet Care 

Six Safety and Health Tips for Camping with Your Dog

Outdoor activities like hiking and camping will become more popular as the weather warms. Your dog is the ideal companion for exploring new places and enjoying new adventures. While the wild is your dog’s natural habitat, there are some best practices that you can follow while out in the wild with your pet. We’ll be discussing safety and health tips when camping with our four-legged friends.

Talk to your vet about flea prevention and how to protect your pet’s health

 Consider your pet’s tick and flea prevention program before going camping with them. Although ticks and fleas are common in the backyard, they are more prevalent in open areas. Discuss with your veterinarian where you will be camping and the conditions there. Also, discuss your dog’s health. Pets Best Insurance may reimburse a portion of the cost of flea and tick treatments if you have pet insurance with optional routine care. *

Keep a list inside your dogie camping bag

It would help if you designated a sturdy canvas bag for your doggie camping bag. Keep a list inside the bag year-round so that you don’t forget important camping items. Include these items on your camping list:

  • Plenty of food, water and drink
  • Water and food bowls
  • Pet medicines
  • There are many options for collars and leashes
  • Blankets and bedding for dogs
  • Pet first aid kit
  • Pet insect repellent
  • Booties and clothing for warm dogs
  • Tie-out stake

Pack extra dog food

Camping activities can burn extra calories. Give your dog plenty of food if he has been active. If one of your containers gets wet or is eaten by a wild animal, it’s good to have two. Do not be alarmed if your pet skips meals. Some animals may feel less hungry after travel. If your pet’s appetite doesn’t return to normal after a trip, you should take them to the veterinarian to check for underlying health issues.

Invest in a tie-out stake

Attach a 20-foot lead and a metal corkscrew timeout stake to your campsite. Your dog will be able to enjoy your campsite without being in danger. You should check the stake regularly as tugging or wet conditions can cause it to loosen.

You can take a variety of leashes and collars with you

Camping is a great place to take your dog on a hike or fun. Bring a variety of leashes if you are still training your pet. For training, a 15-foot lead or prong collar is good. A regular collar can be used when your pet is on a shorter leash or tied out. A harness is useful for swimming and hiking.

Keep your dog warm at night

Dogs lose heat through their noses. Dogs often sleep with their nose to the tail to trap heat. You can also provide your dog blankets to snuggle under and a favourite bed or sleeping bag. Dogs with shorter coats or smaller dogs may need an additional layer, such as a doggie sweater.

These basic camping tips will help you and your dog enjoy the great outdoors. You can have a great time if you are prepared. So get out there and enjoy the outdoors!

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